Our work
Blue Mind
From the NY Times bestselling, Blue Mind, to eight Annual Blue Mind Summits to the Blue Mind Collective, this global movement brings neuroscience and water together to explore the cognitive, social, psychological, emotional and spiritual benefits of keeping it healthy.

Positive Impact Magazine
A multi-media company that focuses on uplifting news, Positive Impact leads the way in both digital and print formats to spread good across the globe and to inspire others to become involved in the quest to make a positive impact on the world.
Dr. Wallace J. Nichols
Scientist, wild water advocate, movement-maker, New York Times best selling author and dad, Wallace J. Nichols works to inspire a deeper connection with nature and to change the way people think about our water planet.

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Garcia Companies
Garcia Farms is the premiere location for south Florida's top growers of fresh produce. Founded by Edward Garcia, as a legacy to his own family farming heritage, Garcia Farms provides a new approach to an age old tradition and has created a 'growing community' in south Florida.

Mauruuru: Different by Nature
Born of the need to connect people to the planet, Be Different by Nature, celebrates nature inspired better living. Offered as a collection of children’s apparel, Mauruuru is designed to share stories to shape the next generation.
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